Email Published With Permission
Karri Stokely, October 7, 2009

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:54 PM, House of Numbers wrote:

This is an enquiry e-mail via

from: Karri Stokely <e-mail address confidential>


Hi Brent,

Thank you so much for this very powerful movie. I pray that it is seen in every country on the globe. The following is my personal journey through the HIV/AIDS nightmare. It is my sincere prayer that others will find their way out too.

My name is Karri and in June of 1996, at the age of 29 years old, I was given a diagnoses of being HIV positive.

This came after the birth of my second child.  I had two difficult pregnancies and multiple surgeries after the first child, which was a vaginal delivery gone wrong. The second pregnancy was delivered by c-section in May 1995. After spending a few days in the hospital, I was discharged, but within 48 hours, I was back in the hospital with a massive infection in the c-section that had gone systemic throughout my whole body. I spent almost a month in the hospital, dosed up on antibiotics and morphine. The first week was spent in intensive care. Meanwhile, my husband, Joe, was at home trying to take care of a newborn and a 2 1/2 yr old.

They had to open up the c-section and let it heal from the inside out. I was sent home with home health care to tend to the open wound for 2 months, until it fully healed and closed up. After that, I never really felt very well again. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, just vague symptoms, like always feeling tired and fatigued. I "couldn't seem to get through the day".  Then I started seeing doctors, my first mistake.  One doctor told me I was just too busy and needed to take a vacation. Another specialist told me I was crazy and gave me Prozac. I was tested for everything under the sun: Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...... I saw seven doctors in one year. My family began to think I was crazy at this point.

In June of 1996, doctor #7 ran some more tests. He led me to believe that I might have a problem with my liver.  Possibly cancer.  He then asked me if I'd ever had an HIV test. I said “No, I don't think so.” I remember asking him if that's what he thought it was. He said "No, white, middle-class women don't get AIDS."  A few days later I received an urgent call from his office stating that I needed to come back immediately. I phoned my husband at work, he came home right away, and off we went to the doctor's office. Upon our arrival,  the nurses were all staring at us. They put us in a room, the young doctor came in, looking down, kind of shaking his head and told us that my HIV test came back positive. He just stood there and stared at us. He watched us cry. I remember the room spinning, time seemed to slow down, and speed up, all at once. I heard my husband crying out. Voices seemed muffled.

He got up and ushered us to the door and told us to find an Infectious Disease doctor.

My husband and both children were tested within the week. The kids were 1 and 3 1/2 at the time. I was 29.  They all tested negative. At this point, my husband and I had been together for 7 yrs, having unprotected sex. It never occurred to me to pursue the fact as to why he didn't "catch it from me", understanding that it was sexually transmitted. They told us that we were “just lucky”. I came from a medical background, so I was totally brainwashed into believing that the establishment was NEVER wrong, and to NEVER question them.

I had my first visit with the I.D. doctor and they did the standard lab work. My t-cell count came back at 29 and a viral load of 58,000.  He told me to "get my affairs in order, I'd be lucky if I had 6 months." He said I probably had been "infected" for a long time, based on my counts. I was promptly diagnosed with full-blown AIDS.  I have to say at this point, I had never had any opportunistic infections or AIDS defining illness.  Even when I was told I had AIDS. Apparently, my AIDS diagnosis was based solely on my T-cell count.

I was never in a considered risk group. I had a few boyfriends/partners before I met and married my husband. None positive that I knew of and I wasn't a drug user.

I had a needle stick/exposure in the late 80's while working on the ambulance. After that, I worked in surgery for a few years until I got pregnant with my second child and stopped working outside the home. I never had any other exposures. So I figured I must have been “infected” since the late '80's.

It was June 17th, 1996 when I received  the diagnosis, with the assumption that I’d be dead in 6 months. My doctor promptly started me on AZT, 3TC, Crixivan, and Bactrim. I took them faithfully, almost never missing a dose. I took the Bactrim for about 2 yrs before they stopped that. I was on the other 3 meds for about five or six years with never one med change. I figured they were working pretty well, as I wasn’t dead yet!  My doctor finally stopped the Crixivan, he said it was doing damage to my liver. He put me on Sustiva, which I took, along with the AZT and 3TC, until April 2007.

I have to say that through all of this, my husband was so supportive and caring. He did anything and everything to take care of the children and me. We had this gauntlet hanging over our heads for 11 yrs. though. When might I get sick and die? What will it be like?

The odd thing was, I was never really sick with anything in particular, and  never developed any opportunistic infections, even with an extremely low T-cell count. I was told that with a T-cell count of less than 50, I had “no functioning immune system”.

I experienced things like sporadic nausea/vomiting, some hair loss, insomnia, leg cramps, pale skin tone/anemia, and fatigue. It never occurred to me that these symptoms and side effects were being caused by the drugs. My doctor always said that these problems were the result of having “advanced HIV disease”. It was because I “had AIDS”, he said.

I knew of other “HIV positives” who were much worse off than me. These people were in wheelchairs, going blind, and on oxygen. I figured I was doing “really well” for someone “with AIDS”, and was very thankful.

What this diagnosis did to us the most was create a sense of fear and terror. We stopped having sex, completely. We did not have sex for many years. We did not want to risk him becoming infected, and the children not having parents.

This curse/hex they put on you obviously had a big impact on our young lives, and had changed our marriage relationship in a way that is almost unspeakable.

Fast forward, April 2007. Joe is on the Internet one night, searching out a funny video that a friend had sent him. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Robin Scovill’s video “The Other Side of AIDS” pops up. The really bizarre thing was that none of these words were in his original search.

He proceeds to watch the whole thing, shocked, jaw to the floor, absolutely mesmerized. He told me about it the next day, and thought I should watch it. We were stunned!  We were NEVER told that there WAS another side to the HIV issue. We were NEVER informed that there was a debate surrounding the validity of HIV and the possible causes of AIDS. We then viewed Steve Allen's “HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud” video. This was more than enough to make us seriously start asking questions.

It seems as though any other disease that Allopathic medicine will diagnose you with, they tell you (most) all of your options. All your choices. You are even encouraged to get second opinions. With the HIV/AIDS scandal, you are NEVER told there is conflicting evidence out there. We are led like sheep to the slaughter. And we go silently and willingly. Never questioning, never demanding proof.

From that moment on, I spent every waking second on the Internet, finding one link after the next. One site after the next. One book after the next. One dissenter after the next.   I had NO IDEA!  I felt so deceived. So betrayed. I had been robbed of some of the best years of my life.  It was all like a huge, cruel nightmare. I had been denied that opportunity to make an informed decision, based on all the facts.

After a couple of weeks of studying, reading, researching, watching videos, reading books, and doing our own due diligence, I decided to quit all the drugs I had been taking, cold turkey.














(ABOVE PICTURE: shortly after quitting drugs (2007), going through detox)

The first week went okay, I was feeling fine. I was doing some forms of detoxing, such as juicing, herbal teas, and colonics. Then things seemed to go downhill and had quite a horrible 3+ months. My system seemed to be shutting down. I am 5’8” and went down to 114 lbs. I looked like I might die. Never once did I consider restarting the drugs again, as I knew what I believed, and why I believed it. But, things were difficult. At the time, I believed  it was a mixture of detoxing and massive drug withdrawals. Those toxic drugs are bound to be very hard to the body after 11 straight years, if one can survive that long on them.

I have since come to find out that I should not have experienced these types of symptoms from stopping toxic drugs that were poisoning the body.

There are some questions surrounding what exactly is in these HIV drugs. See below:

Four months after quitting the drugs, I went back for what I considered to be one last visit with  my I.D. doctor. I was going to be polite, to explain to him what I’d done, and that I wouldn’t be seeing him anymore. I had my final lab tests drawn a week before I went in.

When I got there, it seemed like all hell broke loose. He said to me “You have done a very stupid thing, and you'll be DEAD, VERY SOON!”  I told him that was funny because I “felt great”!

My CD4’s were 96 and viral load of 135,000.  Now, at this point, I’d very carefully studied these invalid surrogate marker tests, and they didn’t mean anything to me anymore. Plus, I was getting tired of being told I'd be dead soon. My t-cell count had never been very high the past 11 yrs. anyway. It usually hovered between 200-300 tops and the viral load had been “undetectable” for 11 yrs on the meds.

I do think that one has to be very strong when confronted with a situation like this. I faltered for a moment in time. The thing that kept sticking out so prominent in my mind though was Michael Ellner’s speech I’d heard about “bone-pointing”.

I reviewed that, over and over in my mind, devouring how important it was. That was a lifesaver for me at that time. And I could never have done it without the constant support and reassurance of my husband. I think this is the most important factor in one’s total health and recovery from this poisonous lie. Someone who supports you completely, and can remind you of the facts when you are weak.

Anyway, my doctor was rude, angry, and seemed completely offended that I would dare to question him, or the AIDS establishment.

I had a good relationship with my pharmacist over the years as well.  She was very angry too, to put it mildly, when she found out.

Tell me, why is it the only people that actually get mad and take this personally, are the ones that benefit financially $$$$$?  Hummmmmmm?

Something my husband brought up to me recently really made me stop and think.  Why is it, with any other dis-ease that you recover from (think cancer especially) are you applauded, people are happy for you!  It’s a miracle! You are hailed as a hero! A survivor!

Only with HIV psudo-science, do they call you a denialist. They are mad that you survive. That you overcome. That you are alive...... and well.




I have now been med-free since April 2007, and feeling FANTASTIC!!  I honestly don't believe that I would have lasted much longer on these drugs. The last 2-3 years I spent taking them, I was beginning to show signs of wasting.   

My arms and legs had become like sticks, and my bottom had all but disappeared. I didn't realize this until just recently, while looking back on pictures taken from that time.

I experience no more side effects. All my symptoms are gone now.

I have almost completely left the Allopathic medical establishment, with very hard feelings. It is my firm belief that they are totally worthless about 95% of the time.

With that being said, I do have a wonderful, brilliant doctor, who is an M.D.,  but understands how important it is to “think outside the box”.


I have achieved better health and healing by simply using nutritional medicine and supplements to support my recovery.   I exercise every day. I eat a 75% raw foods, vegan diet, which I strongly believe has aided in my recovery from nearly being poisoned to death.

I pray every day that my story will continue to be found, and be a great blessing and source of encouragement to others that have also been deceived by this “scandal of the century”.

I am so very deeply sorry for those who have had to suffer the worst of this. The loss of loved ones, of children…..

I am so very thankful, from the bottom of my heart, to those that have walked this path before me, led me along the way, listened to my fears, my thoughts, my questions.

I am forever grateful for all the dissenters out there, who have sacrificed their lives and careers, so that I may live. Those who dared to question this hypothesis built on sand.

I do not know what the long-term damage these drugs may have done to my system. I don't dwell on it, but I do make sure to take very good care of my self; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I take nothing for granted and try to live fairly stress-free.

I am forever grateful for all the dissenters out there, who have sacrificed their lives and careers, so that I may live. Those who dared to question this hypothesis built on sand.

I do not know what the long-term damage these drugs may have done to my system. I don't dwell on it, but I do make sure to take very good care of my self; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I take nothing for granted and try to live fairly stress-free.

I have vowed to not go quietly.

How has this affected me?  Shock, sadness, despair, fear, suspicious, robbed, angry, outraged, collective, reflective, triumphant!

I am an overcomer!

I will tell my story.

I will not go quietly.


Karri Stokely

Hosea 4:6


You may e-mail me at:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it





